Hi, I'm Larissa Passamani

I Create, lead & Design.

I'm a Graphic Designer with 4 years of experience working with Procreate, Photoshop and Figma to make digital illustrations and recently branched into web designs. I have graduated in Software Development, and created projects using PHP, JavaScript and Python languages.

I have a successful record of collaborative projects with my peers resulting in fully operational websites using PHP/JavaScript backed by MySQLi database. Additionally, my professional journey encompasses experience in Supply Chain Management while I was in school and managing my art business creating pins from my digital artwork.

I'm passionate about improving the lives of others through new creations. I'm constantly learning new things everyday and love meeting people who are motivated and unafraid of sharing their ideas with the world. When I'm not working you will probably find me out in the woods with two super awesome dogs!

A little bit about myself


A user friendly hotel booking website for a diversity of customers.

In this section I will be showing step by step, the process it took for me to build this website for my Capstone from start to finish.

1.0 - The Research Phase

1.1 - Purpose

The overall purpose of building the Provisio website is to provide a clear, user-friendly interface that is responsive to all devices and will contain all the company’s reservation services. That will include information about bookings, hotel locations, images, and answers to commonly asked questions.

The new features will allow customers to view all the website’s information without having to be logged in. Users will be able to create an account to book new accommodations, manage existing reservations, browse available hotel rooms, as well as participate in the loyalty points program that will give customers a feeling of importance that will ensure users to come back to Provisio and tell others about their stay. From their first use, users will have a clear understanding of how to access these services due to the final design showcasing simplicity and effectiveness that ensures people of all ages can easily navigate the website’s new features.

Ultimately, Provisio will be customer-centered, ensuring that users from different backgrounds can feel welcomed and confident to book unique accommodations with the company that is Provisio. Some goals of the site are for users to be able to find the information they need as quickly as possible without the need to call customer service. Enabling guests to book and check out seamlessly is a fundamental aspect of Provisio. This feature will distinguish the website from its competitors and reinforce the Provisio brand identity.

1.2 - Terminology

· Provisio: The name of the company providing hotel accommodation.

· Reservation: A completed booking for a hotel accommodation order.

· Pro-Points: The name of the loyalty points given to users for completing a reservation through the service

· Landing page: The main page of the website provides an overview of the company.

· About Us page: The page that provides information about the company.

· Contact Us page: A contact information page for the company.

· Sign Up Form: The form where users can create a new account by providing their email address, first name, last name, and password.

· Login Page: The page where users can enter their credentials to access their account

· Hotel reservation page: The page where users can select their desired room size, amenities, number of guests, and check-in/check-out dates.

· Reservation summary page: The page that summarizes the reservation information and provides a button to confirm or cancel the reservation.

· Reservation lookup page: The page where users can search for their previous reservations and view the summary of their reservation.

· Customer loyalty points tracking page: The page where users can view their earned loyalty points and the summary of their previous reservations.

· Customer ID: The unique ID key assigned to the customer once they make an account in order to track their loyalty points.

1.3 - User Personas

User Stories – Travel Agent

· As a Travel Agent, I need to be able to quickly filter hotel options by their amenities, so that I can provide my clients with personalized recommendations.

· As a Travel Agent, I need to be able to keep a record confirmation of booking, so that I can provide my clients with their receipt and booking information.

· As a Travel Agent, I need to be able to quickly search for multiple accommodations without being logged in, so that I can quickly gather information for multiple clients.

User Stories – Mother planning a vacation

· As a mother planning a vacation, I need to be able to identify which hotels have the amenities that me and my family need quickly.

· As a mother planning a vacation, I need an easy way to redeem earned points so I can save money for my family.

· As a mother planning a vacation, I need to be able to manage my bookings easily on the website and possibly modify them without contacting the hotel.

User Stories – Traveling Businessman

· As a Traveling Businessman, I need to a large Hotel suite, so that I can have plenty of workspace, amenities, and privacy.

· As a Traveling Businessman, I need secure and reversable transactions, so that my company card remains secure, and uncharged for abrupt location changes.

· As a Traveling Businessman, I need access and ability to schedule amenities prior to booking, so that I can preplan my stay accordingly.

1.4- Workload Estimations

1.5- ERD

2.0 - The Prototype Phase

1 - Landing Page

2- About us Page

3- Register

4- Login

4 - Locations

6 - Reservation Summary

8 - Loyalty Points

5- Reservation

7- Reservation Lookup

3.0 - The Testing Phase

Hobby / Freelance Work

Get in touch


2100 Marlton Pike, Marlton, NJ 08053


(609) 665 5897



